ISA Certified Arborist, Tree Care, Landscaping, Pest Management


Advice for tree owners everywhere

Do You Have a Dead Ash Tree? Invasive Insects May be to Blame


As we have been discussing, invasive insects can pose a huge threat to our precious trees. In 2017 alone Donegan’s removed nearly 400 dead or dying ash affected by the Emerald Ash Borer. It’s heartbreaking to see these 150-year-old beauties fall to such a tiny parasite. At the Snickers Gap Christmas Tree Farm in Bluemont, the three dead ash trees were closer to 200 years old!

During the summer months we are offering a special — remove one ash tree at full price and we will remove a second of equal or lesser size for half price! Contact us at (703) 327-6675 or and we can work with you to remove any Ash trees that have been killed by the borer.

This challenging insect isn't under control, but the University of Delaware, the United States Department of Agriculture and Agricultural Research Service, have discovered a host specific parasite wasp that was approved for release to help control this invasive insect. Smaller than a gnat, the wasp will not harm humans or other insects, but it is helping reduce the destruction.

Still, we continue to see a number of beautiful ash trees that have been killed by the borer and if you are facing this challenge in your own yard, please reach out to us for assistance removing them.

Jim Donegan